AUSLEIHE will re-open on the 21st on september!
We will then remain open on every Monday (except for holidays) during from 13:00 to 16:00.
please note** you are required to send an e-mail a minimum of 1 week in advance before we will be able to lend you any equipment. Then we will give you a time slot to avoid crowd in and in front of Ausleihe.
please send all requets to: ausleihe@interflugs.de
Your e-mail should include:
– Your name
– have you visited ausliehe before and have an account?
(if you don’t have an account please bring ID + Anmeldung)
-the equipent you need and for what?
For more info please check our website: https://www.interflugs.de/ausleihe/
SCHNITTPLATZ / TON STUDIO will re-open on the 21st on september, and from the 31st of august you may already begin to write us with booking requests for the rooms at: schnittplatz@interflugs.de
please note** you are required to send an e-mail a minimum of 2 weeks before we can book you a room.
For more info please check our website: https://www.interflugs.de/schnittplatz/
Your e-mail should include:
– Your name
-have you visited schnittplatz before? do you have an account already?
– do you need ton studio (sound) or schnittplatz (video)?
– if ton studio: do you need other tools like voice microphones?
– if schnittplatz: do you need need other tools like color grading panel?
– time frame for room usage