Revolutionary Mothering

[:en]Revolutionary Mothering – Lese Lab

The Sisterhood of Black Single Mothers decided to change the language in the 1980’s. Instead of describing non-patriarchal families as “fatherless” they described them as “motherful” families. Riffing on the genius of those mamas, the Revolutionary Mothering crew is creating Motherful community events around the country for the whole family. We will bring the crayons and revolutionary activities, you bring your generations of brilliance and you’ll leave with intergenerational learning tools to keep the revolution alive!

 [:de]Revolutionary Mothering – Lese Lab

The Sisterhood of Black Single Mothers decided to change the language in the 1980’s. Instead of describing non-patriarchal families as “fatherless” they described them as “motherful” families. Riffing on the genius of those mamas, the Revolutionary Mothering crew is creating Motherful community events around the country for the whole family. We will bring the crayons and revolutionary activities, you bring your generations of brilliance and you’ll leave with intergenerational learning tools to keep the revolution alive![:]