*IMMATERIALS with Cinema 4D
a technical workshop with Ana Gzirishvili
registration at : freieklasse@interflugs.de**Max number of participants: 10** Workshop will be taught in English
In this online course, we will learn the basics of the 3D software – Cinema 4D (by Maxon).
In these strange times we are living, digital technical knowledge is extremely beneficial and what not a more perfect time to improve our computer skills then now! In the 3D program, Cinema4D, you can virtually visualize your imagination with endless possibilities for experimenting.
Cinema 4D is one of the most user-friendly 3D software (compared to programs like 3ds Max, Maya) however, it is hard to start the learning process on your own, since the program can still be quite overwhelming. Throughout these online sessions, we will work together to find out how to create a 3D project from scratch and go through the entire process of a 3D workflow, including modeling, lighting, texturing, animating, and rendering. Along the way you will learn various tips and tricks.
During our online streaming, the facilitator Ana Gzirishvili will share her screen and show her workflow with the Cinema 4D software. During the streaming, you can interact by writing your questions or things you would like to discuss.
We will have 4 sessions. Each session will last for 2 hours.
1st day (May 21): introduction to the course, user interface, modeling
2nd day (May 22): modeling, texturing
3rd day (May 28): lighting, animating, camera
4th day (May 29): refining the project, rendering
@ 11:00 – 13:00 (Thursday + Friday)
Workshop Facilitator: Ana Gzirishvili (1992 Tbilisi, Georgia) is a multimedia artist based in Berlin/Tbilisi. Ana is a DAAD scholar and a graduate at Universität der Künste Berlin, Nem Media & Film Classled by professor Hito Steyerl.
Throughout her experimental practice, Ana has made use of mediums ranging from film and lens-based media to music, printed matter, CGI, from drawing to poetry and reading performances. Her projects often examine visual and socio-cultural narratives of a space, object, or event mainly addressing the feeling of displacement in and in-between material/immaterial realms.
One of Ana’s recent ongoing projects is called IMMATERIALS which is a platform for virtual designed and for a CGI chimera – Bay.
***Installing Cinema 4D:
Cinema 4D is free for students. Here is the link for installing cinema 4D:
There is a video explaining how to install the program and how to apply for the student license (very easy, just follow the steps!)
Note that getting the license number may take up to 5 days.
If you cannot access the student version, you can download the trial version of the program that works for 14 days. Please take care to download it at the right time so it will cover the entire period of the workshop.